The Deputy Prime Minister for Administrative Affairs, H.E. Mawlawi Abdul Salaam Hanafi engaged in talks with a number of provincial authorities and professors from private universities.
At the outset, they expressed satisfaction regarding the Islamic Emirate’s attention to developing the quality of educational institutions and supporting scientific cadres and experts. They stated that, as a result of the efforts and striving by the leadership of the Islamic Emirate, many positive changes have been made, especially in developing the capacity and empowerment of both scientific and educational entities. Additionally, they mentioned that authorities and university professors are cooperating to apply development programs and quality assurance with the Islamic Emirate.
Furthermore, the officials and professors pointed out several issues in the field of higher education, universities and other institutions, requesting that the Islamic Emirate leadership pay closer attention to these matters.
In response, the Deputy Prime Minister for Administrative Affairs, H.E. Mawlawi Abdul Salaam Hanafi acknowledged and appreciated the efforts of the officials and university professors. He emphasized that the Islamic Emirate is working consistently and diligently in all sectors, particularly in developing quality and providing scientific services, and stressed the importance of cooperation between scientific institutions and relevant departments.
Regarding the provided suggestions, the Deputy PM said that Islamic Emirate officials would address the issues of universities and higher education institutions as much as possible.