On Sunday, January 12, 2025, the Director of the Government Media and Information Center (GMIC), Mawlawi Naeemulhaq Haqqani Herati and his accompanying delegation visited the Kabul-based Reuters News Agency.
At the outset, the Director of GMIC, Mawlawi Naeemulhaq Haqqani Herati stated that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) is committed to media activities and freedom of expression under Islamic principles. He added that GMIC serves as a bridge between governmental departments and both domestic and foreign media, working to enhance media activities within the country and improve cooperation between the government and the media. He emphasized that GMIC does not make distinctions between domestic and foreign media and strives to facilitate access to information.
Additionally, the Director of GMIC urged the officials of Reuters News Agency to provide accurate information about Afghanistan to the public and to present a truthful picture of the country.
In response, the officials of the Kabul-based Reuters News Agency warmly welcomed the GMIC leadership and appreciated the GMIC leadership’s visit and regarded it as a significant step for enhancing cooperation between GMIC and the media. They also mentioned some challenges related to accessing information and requested GMIC’s support in addressing them.
At the conclusion of the meeting, both sides emphasized the importance of furthering bilateral relations and engagements.